Monday, January 14, 2008

2008 CSA options

Next Tuesday (the day after MLK day) we will open up our 2008 CSA to the general public. As of now, we only have 4 spots of Regular Wednesday CSA and 17 spots (9 B-weeks; 8 A-weeks) of Alternate Week Wednesday CSA shares available. There are NO Saturday shares available. The spots are filled first come, first serve with the receipt of the $50 membership and commitment form in our hand. Please visit our website, for more information about us and follow the CSA tab at the top for more information about the CSA. The CSA page of our website is where you will find the commitment form on Tuesday. Please print it out and deliver it to us with the $50 membership fee.

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Anonymous said...

Hello: This is the second year I've tried to sign in. Am on your website now, but no 2008 PDF. What gives?


Anonymous said...

Ooops, sorry, wrong week!

Anonymous said...

Yep, sorry it's next week!

Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm too late but the PDF is not available and it is Jan 22.