Monday, March 30, 2009

Plugging In the Fields

Dear Farm Friends,

You may have noticed Red Wiggler's blog undergoing a few unusual transformations in the past week or so. Here on the farm, we're trying to become a little more tech-brilliant and make our blog more beautiful, more exciting, and easier to use. We must admit, though we're pretty darn good at hooking up irrigation, when it comes to hooking up to the wonders of the web, we can be a little clumsy. So we hope you'll bear with us as we learn this process and work to bring you more enjoyable insights into the daily workings of our small community farm.
Take a minute while you're here to check out some of our new excellent features, like:
The Mind Boggling Links to Amazing Organizations Doing Great Work
The Tel! a Friend Feature that let's you brag to everyone about the awesome things you just learned at Red Wiggler.

More is coming soon, so we hope you'll keep reading us as we grow!


Red Wiggler
Plugging In the FieldsSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

1 comment:

jessica lee said...

i like what i'm seeing! :) can't wait to read about/see more insights.